Mk 5. High definition.
I had previously done quite a bit of experimenting with high definition videos using a Windows PC and movies on DVD-Rom in Windows media format, see this article (which, although the content is severely obsolete, represents a historic standpoint). From that article it should be clear, that getting a real high-definition setup was a must. Also, in 2007, HD-DVDs and BluRay discs appeared, and I purchased a BluRay player (Samsung BDP 1400, still in use).
For switching HDMI-sources, and converting between digital and analog video, a new receiver was needed. For me, the possibility to integrate it into an automation systems was essential. All AV-Receivers in the "midrange" price segments come with an RS232 control port. However, I considered Ethernet to be a vastly superior solution. It turned out that several AV Recivers contained Ethernet interfaces for Internet radio and streaming, but, except for one extremely expensive device, only the Denon was controllable from Ethernet. For this reason, the Denon AVR-3808 (later per software upgraded to AVR-3808A) was selected.
To complete the (full) HD setup, a full HD projector was necessary. In January 2008, affordable projectors were available, and I bought a Sanyo PLV-Z2000 with ISF-Calibration. At about the same time, the destructive "format war" ended. As a result, the prices for both HD-DVD players and discs plummeted, and, dancing on the grave of HD-DVD, I bought a player (Toshiba HD-EP30) as well as fairly large number of HD-DVDs, all to prices unthinkable while the format war lasted...
Not without sadness, I retired the old TV, and bought a new LCD TV. It hangs on the wall using a Vogels wall mount. The old TV table has also been retired, thus the center speaker is also mounted on the wall, using wall brackets intended for a microwave oven!
The DVD player was replaced with an Oppo DV-983H, enabling, among other things, SACD and better possibilities for integration in the automation systems through the bidirectional RS-232 port.
To my disappointment, Nubert decided to discontinue the NuWave series. At this time, I ordered two RS-5 (dipole) surround speakers to complete the 2+2+2 setup.
To switch between analog multi channel sources, together with some additional possibilities, a switch box was constructed, see this forum contribution. However, since modern HDMI-connections can transfer e.g. DVD-Audio or SACD formats losslessly, its use is nowadays more limited.
It is planned to replace the Samsung Bluray player by an Oppo BDP-83 in the near future.
The system can be controlled over my LAN network, using different Ethernet-IR gateways etc. This will be the subject of a future article.
- Projector Sanyo PLV-Z2000, ISF-Calibrated (2008-01-25)
- Receiver Denon AVR-3808, upgraded to 3808A (purchase 2007-10-12, upgrade 2008-11-05)
- HD-DVD Player Toshiba HD-EP30, code free (2008-03-25)
- Bluray Player Samsung BDP-1400
- OPPO DVD player DV-983H, code free (2008-05-31)
- Loudspeakers:
- Front Left/Right: NuWave 125, anthracite (2005-08-01)
- Center: NuWave CS-65 anthracite (2005-08-01)
- Surround Left/Right: NuWave DS-55 anthracite (2005-10-13) (using Vogel's VLB 200 wall brackets)
- Left/Right Back Surround: NuWave RS-5 anthracite
- Height: NuWave RS-5 anthracite (2008-04-29)
- Subwoofer: NuBox AW-850
- Denon ASD 11R Ipod dock (2008-08-26)
- Screen Mediastar 16:9, 2.34 meters wide
- Turntable Thorens TD150/II (purchased 1972), equipped with SME Model 3009 Series II Improved Arm and ADC XLM MKII stylus.
- Timer: Pioneer DT-555 (only used as clock)
- TV: Philips 37PFL9603 (2008-08-27)
- Vogels EFW6345 TV wall mount
- S-VHS ET Recorder Philips VR-1100
- Nokia dBox II, with hardware modification, running Tuxbox
- Stax SR-X Mark 3 electrostatic earphones, with SRD-7 adapter. Purchased in 1982, adapter in 2005.
- Remote Control: Mainly UFC-7781 (One for All OFA Digital 12) (2008-04-08)
- Cables mainly Clicktronic.
- Selfmade analog 8 channel switch; an article is planned, see this forum contribution (in German) in the meantime.
- Selfmade loudspeaker relay switch box; article planned, see this forum contribution (in German) in the meantime.
Photos will appear shortly.